  Mag. Dušan Majtas - SLOVAKAI

I was born on the 1st of August 1959 in Bratislava, Slovakia, where I live until today. I'm into cynology since 1973. Since 1983 I have been working with the Slovakian Training Federation, where I have been responsible for the preparation of the regulations and since 1985 I have trained the Slovakian team. Since 1991, I have been the Vice President and Vice-President of the Federation of Sports Cynology SR and Vice-President of the Slovakian Cynological Association for 8 years. I have been a judge of the judiciary since 1983, a national and international FCI judge since 1985, and a WUSV judge since 1996. At the same time, I became a judge of the judiciary. I was a member of the education committee of the Svazarm Civic Federation Today almost all the regulations are co-developed and prepared.

I have participated in competitions since 1974. I have often participated in the Slovakian and Czechoslovakian Championship as well as in the WUSV and FCI World Cup where I often lead the Slovakian team as the main coach and in 2011 the Mexican team. The biggest success was the 9th place in the individual ranking and the second place in the team ranking at the World Championship of WUSV 1989 in Maribor. I took a total of around 80 tests - according to the national examination regulations, IPO, SchH, rescue dog tests, protective dog tests and track tests - with 5 dogs from the 1st to 3rd stage (SVV1 - SVV3, IPO1-IPO3, SChH1-SChH3) (My wife has completed more than 100 exams and participated in some 400 tournaments). Since 1992, I am the owner of the breed "Chabet" (now "Black Chabet") - the dog of my wife, Emir Chabet, from this breed, took part 12x in the World Cup and more than 30 offspring of the breeding grounds were represented at world championships. I have been training the double world champion in the track for seven years, Mrs. Eva Panakov and other participants from the Czech Republic, Mexico, Russia and Canada.

I was a judge 6x at the World Championship (FCI-FH), 10x at the qualification for the World Cup and the Slovakian Championship. Internationally I judged in the Czech Republic, Austria, Poland, Holland, Japan, USA, Hungary, Serbia, Montenegro, Italy, Estonia, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Mexico and Canada.

In many parts of the world, I held training seminars on the subject of cynological sports and police services - in the USA, Russia, Mexico and Canada. At the end of 2013, I was honored with the highest award, the Golden Medal, by the Slovakian Cynological Association, in the category Education. At the same time, I was a founding member of the Slovakian Cynological Association. I am BA and work in the private security service and the dog school. I speak German, English and Russian.

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