Hello Doghandlers!
We are pleased to announce that the ISPU World Championship 2025 will take place from October 21st to 26th in Lakitelek in southern Hungary. The place is located south of Budapest in the Tiszakécske district in Bács-Kiskun county. Hungarikum Liget is considered an intellectual center in the heart of Hungary and leaves nothing to be desired both culturally and academically. The area has hotels, a meeting and banquet hall, various restaurants and cafés as well as sports and wellness facilities. There is also a campsite for mobile homes.
The preparations for the World Cup are already in full swing. All important information about judges and helpers (after the registration deadline), registration and accommodation, participants as well as all results and pictures after the World Cup will be published here. You can also find ongoing news and pictures on the ISPU-WM Facebook page.
Warmest regards,
ISPU-WM 2025 online team

Welcome to Hungary!
The ISPU headquarters are happy to assign the 33nd ISPU WM IGP, for giant schnauzer from October 21th to October 26th 2025 in Lakitelek, Hungarikum Liget in southern Hungary. Simultaneously, for the eight time, the world championship for tracking dogs for all Schnauzer and Pinscher races will take place there.